Starting Up Romania: Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Diagnostic

Starting Up Romania: Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Diagnostic

Successful entrepreneurs require resources (such as infrastructure, capital, human capital, and knowledge), which together constitute an entrepreneurship ecosystem. Entrepreneurship ecosystems are essential to business creation and growth because access to these resources, along with factors like capital availability, regulations, and social capital, significantly impacts an entrepreneur’s success. The report focuses on Romania’s entrepreneurship landscape, noting challenges such as a lack of high-growth and innovative businesses, underutilization of human capital despite a high number of science and engineering graduates, and gaps in supportive policies and institutions. It proposes improving the quality of entrepreneurship, enhancing the policy mix for innovation and digitalization, and strengthening institutional capabilities as key strategies. Additionally, the report draws on extensive data sources to analyze Romania’s startup ecosystem, including cross-country comparisons, firm-level data, and surveys. It identifies regional variations and suggests tailored policy recommendations to foster more impactful entrepreneurship across the country. The ultimate goal is to refine strategies and support mechanisms that can effectively nurture entrepreneurship in Romania.

Cruz, Marcio, Natasha Kapil, Pablo Andres Astudillo Estevez, Christopher Haley, Zoe Cordelia Lu, and Arslan Can. 2022. “Starting Up Romania: Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Diagnostic.” Washington, DC: World Bank.

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